Monday, February 1, 2010

My earliest childhood memory!!!

Me and my sister were just weee little ones. I was five and she was four....we were pretty fricken cute! We were the best of friends and were constantly together. Our other best friend was my Grandpa Walker! We went to visit him whenever we got the chance.....he was the best Grandpa in the world!!! Anywho my earliest childhood memory was going fishing in the Highwood creek with our grandpa. He had this sweet little boat along with three fighing poles, worms we dug out of the garden (grandma thought it was the dog digging those holes (; ), and our awesome pink tackle box. It was always the best times. Grandpa would tell us his childhood stories, scary stories, and even funny stories of my mom. We would have competitions of who would catch the biggest fish. He even showed us how to gut our fish we caught.....not my favorite part :( Then after a fun day of fishing he would take us to the Highwood bar for shirley temples!!!! I well always cheerish those memories and I tear up whenever I think of the best Grandpa in the world!

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